Affordable IVF Fertility Treatments Is An Option For Couples

One significant misconception surrounding infertility treatment is that it is a costly affair. Though this has been true in the past, couples may be uncertain if this treatment is even a viable option for them or if low-cost IVF even exists. With the addition of unhelpful and uncompromising medical aids, you may feel anxious about […]

Which Fertility Treatment Could Work For Me?

According to the World Health Organisation, as much as 15% of couples who are of child-conceiving age are affected by fertility issues. This translates to a global rate of almost two couples being infertile out of every ten that can easily conceive. Believe it or not, research suggests that the numbers may be higher in […]

Is It Time To See A Fertility Specialist?

Did you assume that falling pregnant would be effortless and are now finding that the opposite is true? The baby-making process can be a difficult journey and more often than not isn’t always successful on the first try. You could find yourself in an uncomfortable situation and may feel shame with just how long the […]

Dealing With The Emotional Cost Of Artificial Insemination

Another unsuccessful pregnancy test. Will you ever get pregnant? Accepting the possibility of infertility can feel terrifying – and can lead to tension, relationship strain and a sense of hopelessness. It’s hard to stay optimistic about your situation without results, and it doesn’t help when loved ones keep reinforcing the idea that you should be […]

Four Ways To Improve Your Chances of Success With IVF Treatments

IVF is an investment of time and effort, and many varied factors will affect your success rate. So, is there anything you can do outside of your prescribed treatment that will help you increase your chances of success? Fortunately, there is. The following steps have been shown to increase the efficacy of IVF treatment and […]

IVF Treatment Costs: What You Need To Know

The inability to fall pregnant is a distressing emotional problem for many women and their partners across the world. Thankfully, successful advances within the infertility treatment field meanswe that diagnosing and resolving it has never been easier. If it’s been determined that natural conception won’t have good outcomes for you, fertility treatments such as in […]

How To Select The Right Fertility Clinic For You

Fertility issues can be very challenging to deal with and it’s a physical and emotional burden many people carry. Treatments can seem complicated, expensive and time-consuming, so finding the right fertility clinic near you shouldn’t add to the difficulty of struggling to fall pregnant. There are many different facilities to choose from, but not all […]

Try Not To Stress Too Much About Having a Baby

Well, that’s easier said than done. I’m sure that’s what you’re saying to yourself. You want to have a baby but it just doesn’t seem to be on the cards so you worry and wonder about whether it will happen for you. Firstly, take a step back and consider how long it has been since […]

Get Your Body Ready for Child Bearing

Deciding to start a family and have a baby is a big one. Your whole life will change and that includes your body. Along with getting your body ready for child bearing, you also need to prepare your mind for this. It’s going to take a big chunk of your life and you need to […]

Infertility: The Art of Not Giving Up

So many things in life require endurance and time. Sometimes we let go of certain hopes or dreams because it’s not realistic, whilst there are others that are worth holding on to. The want and need to keep going becomes a part of your personality but if you’re not born with this, how do you […]

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