
What to Expect

What to Expect On Your First Visit With Us

Your first visit to a fertility treatment centre can be anxiety provoking to say the least, not knowing what to expect and what the outcome might be. At Bioart Fertility Clinic, we are acutely aware of the anxiety and mixed emotions new patient’s face, particularly those who are venturing on this course for the first time. In order to prepare you, here is what you can expect on your first visit with us:
The main goal of your first appointment is to obtain as much information about you and your partner’s health as possible. Be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes earlier than your scheduled appointment to complete all the administration associated with opening up a new file and fertility treatment course. At Bioart, we value you and your partner and the unique history and story of your fertility journey.

What We Offer

  • Admin and payment process
  • A free mini consult with our in-house psychologist (when available)
  • Consult with the fertility specialist (which includes, full medical history, ultrasound scan and discussion of possible treatment plan)
  • Nurses station for hormonal profile/HIV/pap smear and further treatment discussion and instructions
  • Possible booking for theatre and semen analysis (if and when recommended)
  • Booking of follow up appointment

What to Bring?

Based on the results of your initial consult a more detailed diagnostic and fertility treatment course plan can be outlined. This initial visit can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. It is recommended that these time lines are considered when planning your day. All of us at Bioart look forward to welcoming you.
  • Copies of medical records.
  • Questions for your doctor.
Beginning fertility treatment is a major decision, and this first visit marks your first constructive step and arriving at your initial consultation prepared will give you the best possible start as you take baby steps in the right direction.

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