
Male Infertility

Offering our Couples Cutting edge Fertlity Care

Explore Our Male Infertility Treatments!

At Bioart Fertility Centre, we specialize in all aspects of ART including:

Vasectomy Reversal

An increasing number of men are presenting themselves for treatment who have had a vasectomy. Due to changes is their lives they may want to have a child or more children. This is a factor that occurs more often than in previous years. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for the reversal of a vasectomy. And there are possible treatment solutions.

Sperm Aspiration

Your first visit to a fertility treatment centre can be anxiety provoking to say the least, not knowing what to expect and what the outcome might be.  At Bioart Fertility Clinic, we are acutely aware of the anxiety and mixed emotions new patient’s face, particularly those who are venturing on this course for the first time. In order to prepare you, here is what you can expect on your first visit with us:

Semen Analysis

Semen analysis provides important information about the quality and quantity of the sperm and is the basis of testing for male infertility problems. 

Common Problems

The cervix is the neck of the womb, and plays an important part in reproduction. The cervix produces mucus which prevent bacteria from ascending up the genital tract and infecting the uterus and fallopian tubes.

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