The female reproductive system is information about women’s sexuality and fertility. It is also composed of several organs such as your hormones, ovaries, cervix, vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes. The structure of these organs is vital to a healthy functioning reproductive system.
Typically a girls menstrual cycle starts around 12 or 13 years, however, some girls have their first period as early as 9 years old and others get theirs as late as 16 years. All women’s cases are different. The menstrual cycle happens every month following a 28-day cycle on average.
With every passing cycle, it prepares women for a possible conception. When ovulating an egg is released from the ovary, if the egg is fertilized through its journey to the fallopian tubes it grows to develop. If the eggs are not fertilized the lining separates from the uterus and exits the body from the vagina as a period – a menstrual cycle.
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